Uit het leven gegrepen...
The cat shat on the mat
I could have a go at trying to be cool
and writing a poem like I'd've done at school
about how there's this cat who I liked a lot
but who did something tonight, now her rep's all shot.
See this cat's all cuddly and sweet and nice
but she's a reputation for eating things; everything but mice
and what comes out the other end of this nice kitty
is not so nice at all, and not very pretty.
This kitty, like others, has a well-maintained litter tray
in which this kitty can do things be it night or day
but last night this kitty was a very bad pet
she left us a parcel that's smelly and wet.
Of course, I had to clean it because I'm a good lad
but now I feel sick and the cat's made me mad
I thought cats were clean and went in a tray
Was I wrong in this assumption? Have your say!
(met dank aan